Ready or not, Wal-Mart's going organic. What are the long-term implications of this decision? …
Top 5 Environmental Threats
When asked recently what I believed were the top 5 environmental threats to children's health, I immediately thought of a few obvious candidates. Upon more careful deliberation, here's what I decided. …
Dirty Waters
Today, the US Geological Survey reported widespread pollution of our nation's waters with pesticides. …
More on Mercury
The Environmental Quality Institute (EQI) at the University of North Carolina-Asheville, in conjunction with Greenpeace, recently released results of its mercury hair sampling study. The bottom line is that one in five women of childbearing age that were tested have mercury levels exceeding the …
The Great Outdoors
Jane Brody's Valentine's Day column, "Time to Get Out, for the Body and Mind," touched on several themes I've been thinking about this week, with winter taking a break for spring-like temperatures in the Northeast US. …
NEWS FLASH: New EPA Pesticide Study Rules for Children and Pregnant Women
According to a report in today's N.Y. Times, children and pregnant women will no longer be allowed to participate in studies of potentially toxic pesticides. …
Mixed Messages on Pollution
Two recent conflicting reports highlight the difficulties in deciphering the degree of the environment's impact on our health. Just how polluted are we? …