We have reached a point where there is global scientific consensus that climate change is real. While some will debate the degree of human contribution as a cause, there is no doubt that climate change is already having a major impact on our health. Linda Marsa, author of the …
We are the Earth, and the Earth is Us
"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled, which leads to an unknown, secret place. The old people came literally to love the soil, and they sat or reclined on the ground with a feeling of being close to a mothering power. Their teepees were built upon the …
A Pediatrician Recommends the Nature Prescription
It’s late afternoon in the late spring, school’s been out for an hour or so. I can’t really say for sure ‘cause I’ve totally lost track of time. I’m knee deep in the muddy creek, eyes scanning for crayfish. There it is! Caught one, put in the bucket. We’re also “building a dam,” as we liked to …
Overlooked: Type 1 Diabetes and the Environment
"Diabetes and obesity are two of the most common and most costly health problems today. 12% of U.S. adults have diabetes, and if current trends continue, more than 50% will have diabetes or pre-diabetes by 2020. Annual U.S. spending on diabetes is $194 billion (2010) and could …
Healthy Environments Across Generations
My friend Elena, a very wise soul, not long ago told me of her dream for the future. She spoke of an intergenerational living community in New York City committed to the health and happiness of all its members. Not just within families but across all cultural, racial, socioeconomic, age, …
Autism and the Environment: Hand-in-Hand
In April each year, we mark two very special happenings: Autism Awareness Month and Earth Day. Both of these events date back to the 1970’s but little connection has been made between them until recently. (Click HERE to continue reading...) …
New “The Whole Child” Post on the Kiwilog: January 2011
Ring in the New New Year’s is in part about resolutions: wishes for the year to come. On everyone’s list is usually something about eating healthier, exercising more, and being less stressed. These are often cited as personal goals, but more importantly, they are core integrative principles …
“Children First”: Join Us!
Save the date for "Children First: Promoting Ecological Health for the Whole Child," a groundbreaking symposium to be held on Friday, October 1, 2010 at the University of California, San Francisco. …
Wake up, America
Two organizations this week released materials calling for us to wake up and take action. We need to start putting children first. …
Going Green May Save Your Life
Three related news items this week add to mounting evidence that going green should be one of your top 2010 resolutions. It may actually save your life. …