The AAP issued a statement regarding a new report to be released Monday detailing the adverse effects of global climate change on children's health. Fortunately, the White House did not get it's sharp-edged scissors on it. …
Current Affairs
Abraham Cherrix update
Finally, a cheery update on the health status of Abraham Cherrix, the Chincoteague teen battling cancer. …
Cold Med Recall
Related to my post earlier this month, the Consumer Healthcare Products Association released a statement today announcing a voluntary recall of infant cold medications. The American Academy of Pediatrics press release about the recall follows. …
Environmental Injustice: Children’s Health Disparities and the Role of the Environment the title of an article released today in "Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing" as part of this month's global publishing theme on poverty and human development. …
“Situational Science”: Life imitating art
The recent NEJM thimerosal study nonsense reminds me of a recent Gary Trudeau cartoon. …
Thimerosal: Time to move on
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." (Hamlet III, ii, 239) What does this have to do with thimerosal, the mercury-based preservative? …
“the whole child” gets reborn
Wondering why the blog has a spiffy new look? It's all part of the Integrative Pediatrics Council web site launch. …
Confronting the Evidence
The upcoming Pangea Conference will feature thought-provoking sessions on vaccines, the ethics of CAM use in children, and the integrative care of children with autism. How much of what will be discussed is truly evidence-based and when does it matter? …
Pangea: a conference for the future of pediatric wellness
Pangea, the historical supercontinent when all was one, is the model of holism we've borrowed for our annual Pediatric Integrative Medicine Conference identity. This year's Pangea Conference is coming to San Francisco in October, and for all interested in the health and wellness of children, I hope …
The Bipolar Dilemma
Big announcement this week: pediatric bipolar disorders diagnoses have increased 40-fold from 1994 to 2003, and the prevalence is likely higher these days. Everyone's weighing in: Better diagnosing? Environmental health crisis? Both? Sounds familiar. …