Nearly 20 years of pediatric practice have informed Treatment Alternatives for Children, a guide for parents looking for natural treatment alternatives for approximately 100 of the most common pediatric conditions. One of the most rewarding aspects of writing this book is that it’s a true partnership between Jeff Cohen, a father in my practice, and me. I love that this book represents the shared work of a pediatrician and a parent. It mirrors what I do every day, working together with parents to keep their children healthy. Parents and their children should play a major role in their family’s healthcare, and I am a guide to help them navigate the path. We work as a team, just as Jeff and I’ve done to create this book.
What will you find in Treatment Alternatives for Children? Organized into 13 chapters each devoted to a specific health concerns, the book offers practical natural health solutions for conditions ranging from relatively mundane (acne) to extremely serious (autism). We list the causes and symptoms of nearly 100 childhood ailments, the most common conventional treatment for each ailment (including recommended dosage, active ingredients, and possible side effects), a natural alternative to the conventional treatment, and a few additional natural treatments to consider beyond the one highlighted for each condition. It’s worth noting that our natural alternative recommendations include not only nutritional and herbal (biological) remedies, but we draw as well from the rich traditions of holistic healing, including mind-body medicine, homeopathy, and traditional Chinese medicine, just to name a few.
Treatment Alternatives is truly an integrative guide. Throughout the chapters, there are numerous sidebars with interesting facts and helpful additional tips. “Parental Guidance” features actual quotes from actual parents who have effectively used various treatment alternatives to improve their children’s conditions. “Good to Know” reveals “fun facts” and statistics related to the conditions covered throughout the chapter, adding scope to the information presented. “Science Says” provides the scientific rationale for each of the treatment alternatives cited, adding credibility to our recommendations. At the end of each chapter, we’ve included a “Spotlight On” section to profile in depth a holistic practice (e.g., Yoga, Infant Massage) that has specific relevance for the given chapter. We also have included almost a whole separate book’s worth of information in our appendices. One, “Toxic Troubles,” covers the most common environmental health threats to our children and offers practical, evidence-based guidance on how to minimize and ameliorate exposure. Another, “Top Ten Treatment Lists,” covers a greatest-hits of healing herbs, spices, foods, oils, mind-body therapies and homeopathic remedies, among other categories. Finally, we provide scientific references for all of our natural solutions because we believe that you should understand how and why something works.
Enjoy reading – I hope Treatment Alternatives for Children provides you with information and support to keep your children as healthy as they deserve to be.
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a truly integrative approach of treatment alternatives to treat children of all ages
“Pediatrics is about treating the whole child, not just “an ear” or “a cold”. I often find that the conventional medicine I’ve been taught doesn’t give me the tools I need to offer to parents to prevent and treat their kids. Dr. Rosen and Jeff Cohen offer a truly integrative approach of treatment alternatives to treat children of all ages.”
– Jay N. Gordon, MD, FAAP, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, UCLA Medical School
an invaluable resource for parents and healthcare professionals alike
“Dr. Larry Rosen is the real deal! He lives and breathes the holistic lifestyle he recommends to families. He is widely recognized as one of the foremost authorities on the safe and evidence-based integration of complementary therapies into pediatric care and also well-known for his commitment to leading the way in the “greening” of healthcare. In teaming up with Jeff Cohen, successful author and holistic parent, together they’ve written an invaluable resource for parents and healthcare professionals alike.”
– Timothy Culbert, MD, FAAP, Medical Director: Pediatric Integrative Medicine, Ridgeview/Two Twelve Medical Center
the most effective holistic remedies and treatments
“Dr. Rosen is the best pediatrician I’ve ever come across. Not only is he knowledgeable and kind but he really does look at your child from all angles and comes up with the most effective holistic remedies and treatments.”
– Aidan Quinn, Actor and Parent
a must-have for holistic-minded parents and for all parents
“Parents are increasingly turning to natural, non-toxic remedies for themselves and their families but are often uncertain where to start. This handy, practical guide by Dr. Rosen and Jeff Cohen helps parents to navigate their way into natural healing safely and effectively. It is a must-have for holistic-minded parents and for all parents who want to be informed about the healing options available for common childhood ailments.”
– Nancy Massotto, Founder & Executive Director, Holistic Moms Network
i plan to use this book extensively in my practice and teaching
“Dr. Rosen is a national leader in integrative care for children. His work, with co-author Jeff Cohen, is thoughtful, based on sound scientific evidence, and ultimately on deep care and respect for children and families. I plan to use this book extensively in my practice and teaching.”
– Kathi J Kemper, MD, MPH, Author of The Holistic Pediatrician, Mental Health Naturally, Addressing ADD Naturally, and Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the Wake Forest School of Medicine
[it] will power parents and practitioners to make educated decisions in the care of their children
“From diaper rash to depression, Dr. Larry Rosen and Jeff Cohen have given us an invaluable resource that carefully compares conventional and alternative treatments for common pediatric ailments. This highly informative guide demystifies the data and will empower parents and practitioners to make educated decisions in the care of their children.”
– Stephen Cowan, MD, FAAP, Pediatrician and Author of Fire Child Water Child
a must-have resource for parents who want the best for their children’s health
“This is a must-have resource for parents who want the best for their children’s health. Treatment Alternatives for Children covers everything from colic to bruises and does the work for you by giving the conventional remedy and treatment alternative in chart form. Who can argue with olive oil and chamomile as a first line of defense for your little one? Stick with nature, it always knows best.”
– Stacey Antine, MS, RD, Founder of HealthBarn USA
an indispensable resource for moms and dads who are enlightened
“Dr. Rosen has the unique ability to inform, educate and re-assure in the language that parents speak. Treatment Alternatives for Children is an indispensable resource for Moms and Dads who are enlightened – and those who want to be.”
– Bob Klapisch, Columnist (Bergen Record), Author, TV Analyst
practical, balanced, and full of health
“What a tremendous gift for parents and children! By comparing conventional to alternative treatments side-by-side, Rosen and Cohen give families what they need to make informed choices about common ailments to fit their particular situation and approach to health. Treatment Alternatives is practical, balanced, and full of health. A treasure!”
– Alan Greene, MD, FAAP, Author of Raising Baby Green, Founding President, Society for Participatory Medicine
an easy-to-use reference for everything a parent would want to know
“Treatment Alternatives for Children is an easy-to-use reference for everything a parent would want to know, giving healthy, evidence based alternatives for practically every health condition or symptom a kid could have.”
– Susan S. Blum MD MPH, Founder and Director, Blum Center for Health
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