Founder of the Whole Child Center
Lawrence D. Rosen, M.D. is an integrative pediatrician and founder of the Whole Child Center. He is the co-author of “Treatment Alternatives for Children,” an evidence-informed guide for parents interested in natural solutions for common childhood ailments. Dr. Rosen is appointed as Associate Professor in Pediatrics and serves as Assistant Director of the Human Dimension Course and co-chair of the Environmental Health Working Group at the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine. Additionally, he is a founding member and former Chair of the AAP Section on Integrative Medicine, and he received the AAP’s Pioneer in Integrative Medicine award in 2015. A graduate of New York Medical College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he completed his residency and chief residency in pediatrics at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Dr. Rosen received his yoga teacher certification under the guidance of Ben Wisch and Denise DeLuca and teaches yoga and meditation to medical students. He serves as Senior Advisor and Chair of the Health Advisory Board for WholeHealthED, a nonprofit devoted to bringing whole health learning to U.S. schools.
Selected Publications
- Kids in Crisis: The Whole Health Learning Solution
- Whole Health Learning: The Revolutionary Child of Integrative Health and Education
- Integrative Pediatrics: The Future is Now
- The Growing Pediatric Health Gap: Environmental Injustice Threatens Our Future
- Environmental Injustice: Children’s Health Disparities and the Role of the Environment
- High-Tech, High-Touch: Reconciling Technology and Integrative Medicine
- Primary Care from Infancy to Adolescence
- An Integrative Approach to Atopic Disorders in Children
- Autism Spectrum Disorder: A New Paradigm for Integrative Management
- The Gripe: An Integrative Approach to Infant Colic
“Music Therapy”

original music for meditation – click image for streaming options